If you're searching for an answer, we need to talk.

It was about four years ago that I first sat down in the office of possibly the world’s sweetest healer, the beautiful and potent Mayline Nose. As she placed her hand on my body which was so sick at the time, she blinked away some rising tears and said something I’d never heard anyone say before. In a voice of utter compassion and deep understanding, she said simply, “You can get better!”

It wasn’t until I heard her say it that I realized, as hard as I’d been working to find a way out of chronic illness, I hadn’t quite believed it was going to happen.

Lyme Disease & Chronic Illness are generally seen as “forever” conditions, the kind of thing you never get over and spend the rest of your life “managing.” There are some really powerful reasons for that—namely, the symptom sets don’t make anatomical, biological (any kind of -logical) freaking sense. It’s impossible to track down cause-and-effect with chronic illnesses. And how the hell can you fix something when you don’t know what’s causing it? It’s enough to drive a person crazy.

That simple phrase from Mayline, coming from a place so deep and true within her, completely rang my bell. @@It had been possible for her. That was undeniable. That meant it was going to be possible for me.@@ I just had to keep looking.

These days, when I tell people now how sick I was, their jaw drops. Every single time. My transformation back to health has been incredible. I look and feel so good these days I can see in their eyes, they don’t quite believe me. So the devil on my shoulder usually keeps talking, listing the symptoms, naming the treatments, detailing the hell, until I can see them accepting that I was sick, and I am no longer, and yes, that may be impossible, according to what you generally hear about chronic illness. But it’s undeniable. And that means it can be possible for them, and those they love. 

It can be possible for you. And for those you love who are chronically ill and not finding the answers they’re longing for. 

It’s complicated, and maybe not very fast, and there’s a good chance that, at times, the process will suck. But you can get your life back. And I very much want you to do so.

Am I a crusader? I don’t think so. Am I a nut-job? Quite possibly, if Ishtar being one of my all-time favorite movies is any indication. Am I for real? You’d better believe it.

There is a way.

To that end, I’ve put together a 6-month Deep Healing Blueprint, designed to: 

  • Stop the downward spiral, 
  • Bring your body down off its Red Line, and 
  • Get you back into the driver’s seat of your health.

This strategy is based on the things that made the most difference for me. Aside from the multi-year antibiotic regimen, I swear I tried everything. I’ve got a stack of research that would be three inches thick if I printed it all out. I have dozens of books. I nearly drove myself insane trying new things. This Deep Healing Blueprint is comprised of the best of everything I tried. It’s not about chasing symptoms. @@It's about tapping into your body’s self-healing mechanisms, so you can heal your body, your way.@@

This Deep Healing Blueprint plan offers a multi-pronged approach, which includes: 

  • All the information I learned that actually made a difference, 
  • Lots of hands-on energy healing time, 
  • Targeted and specific inner work on your part, and 
  • The mindset support necessary to make sure the changes we’re creating in you stick with you for good.

This is a lot of work. In my experience, @@we can’t just support your physical body without addressing the energetic and emotional aspects@@ any more than we can expect energy or mindset work alone to heal you. 

If you know in your gut that there’s an answer and you just haven’t found it yet, contact me. The nightmare can end.

Start now. Schedule a Power Drain Assessment: www.calendly.com/karimitchell and we’ll look at where you are and where you want to be, and we’ll get started getting your life back. Now.

With love,
