I spent the past year fighting "destiny."

And if destiny is actually a thing, and it really exists, and it cares what we do with our lives, then I lost that fight. Cuz I did not want to work with chronic conditions. After getting my life back from a decade of whatever-that-was, I wanted to turn my back on chronic mystery illness forever. I wanted to walk away, into something new and exciting, and never look back.

But destiny, if there is such a thing, is a persistent son-of-a-gun. Because the people who've found their way to me over the past couple of years -- the people whom I've been able to help -- have had chronic, mysterious, unexplained, crap going on in their bodies, keeping them from living the lives they once felt capable of.

And I tell you what -- that sh*t cuts close to the bone.

So this past year while I've been mostly offline, business-wise, I've been digging deep into the question of WHAT IS chronic illness, and WHY do some symptoms end up becoming chronic?

And I've come up with some interesting answers. I've compiled them into a special report I'm calling my Missing Piece virtual guide. These are the processes I take my clients through to get a grip on what it is that's at the root of their chronic conditions. And the results we're getting are, actually, new and exciting.

For those of you who are stuck in something that won't heal, something that doesn't make sense, that seems to have an amorphous definition, and changing symptoms, something that's keeping you from living the life you once knew you were capable of -- this guide is for you.

Download it here:www.karimitchellhealing.com/hrr, and if you dig deep as you go through the exercises, my hope is that you will find something new for yourself that will help you start turning the tide on your condition.

@@Chronic conditions are different. They require a different approach.@@ This one is making a difference for my clients. My hope is that it can make a difference for you. Check it out today, and let me know what you learn.

With love,
