Is it just me, or does this year already feel like it's on hyper-drive? I mean seriously, we’re only a week in, and things are bananas everywhere I look. What happened to that January pause?
I get the feeling this is gonna be a time when things like staying centered, being crystal-clear on your priorities, and addressing those persistent, nagging stucknesses can make the difference between soaring and feeling like you're sinking.
So if life feels like it's getting out of hand, look for the energy leak -- it's like finding the hole in your bicycle tire -- see where your mind is spending its time, and ask yourself if that's creating life or dissipating it. Does it make you stronger to think those thoughts, or does it exhaust you? This year isn't wasting any time getting started; a sense of clarity and direction are going to be critical in making the most of all this year will offer. I know you can do it, I believe in you, and I look forward to sharing the journey of what’s bound to be a very memorable year with you.
Apropos of new beginnings, I’m excited to announce that I'll be working in Billings now as well. I've arranged workspace at Vitality Wellness, 2918 Broadwater, on Wednesdays. Emailing me is still the best way to set up appointments.
With love and the very best hopes for a fantastic 2014,