How to know for yourself if chronic illness is your wake-up call
Interview with Kai Ashley
Have you ever wondered if maybe the reason you can’t fully heal is because there’s a lesson somewhere in your illness,…and you are just. not. getting it?
Then today’s interview is for you….
Today’s show contains no fewer than 3 major tools and you can use this afternoon to start deciphering your body’s message in a way that you can actually understand, and take action on.
This is literally 45 minutes of Cracking the Code to Understanding Your Intuition gold.
Today’s guest is the brilliant and exuberant Kai Ashley, a healer and EFT practitioner in the UK, who’s been through three—count ‘em, three!—episodes of chronic illness, and has learned a lot about what our bodies are trying to tell us when they stop working the way we want them to.
Kai & I started talking about our journeys through illness, and BAM! I knew I wanted to do an interview with her. I loved the way she talked about her illness as a wake-up call from her soul, saying “Honey, it’s time to get after what you came here for!!”
Cuz the truth is, not everyone learns to answer the call of their soul the same way, and that’s both the beauty and the beast of this.
So check it out! This conversation is LOADED with tips & strategies for how you can start taking baby steps to learn to listen to your soul's calling and how to know when you're on your path.
Watch to the whole thing here:
The video is long, so I’ve time-blocked some of the great moments and the tools you can use RIGHT NOW to get clarity on what is actually going on with your illness.
…or, if you’re the “jump ahead” kinda person….
6:52 min - How running from our own truth can cripple our healing.
8:24 min - How it can be terrifying and exhilarating when we get those glimpses of our real potential. And how it’s perfectly normal that it sometimes sends us running for cover, instead of running toward our greatness.
12:57 min - STEAL THIS TOOL! Two awesome tools in here for how to connect with your own inner divinity.
20:55 min - What it can be like to discover your purpose through the experience of chronic illness.
23:03 min - STEAL THIS TOOL! How you can learn to listen to the “voice” of your soul, when it’s demanding to be heard.
29:44 min - STEAL THIS TOOL! How you can get started learning to communicate with your body.
32:12 min - What’ up with that feeling of dread we all get??
33:14 min - Are you supporting yourself to do better, or are you really just nagging yourself again…?
39:07 min - The doorway to being guided by your own Divinity in every moment.
Thank you, Kai Ashley for partnering up with me for this awesome and fun conversation!
Now, viewers, I want to hear what YOU think.
Have you had that feeling of “my illness is trying to tell me something, but I can’t freaking hear it!!!” If so, what did you do? Which of these tools resonated for you?
And most importantly, what ONE CHANGE can you commit to today, to begin listening your soul’s wake-up call?
Leave a comment below and let us know. And remember, we learn as much from one another’s experiences as from the books we read, and the experts we each get the chance to talk to.
Thank you so much for joining this conversation. If you have friends, clients, or colleagues who would benefit from the information in this interview, please share this post. I appreciate your light, and love to see you sparkle!
With so much love,