Healing Invisible Illness

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Under Pressure?

How close are you to your boiling point? If you were to give it a number, say from 1-10, are you sitting pretty at a safe 2 to 3? Are you holding your own at a 5, maybe 6 when Mom calls? Does the thought of the oncoming Holiday season crank that baby over the redline? You wouldn’t be alone if it did.

When I first got into energy healing, it was the emotional garbage I’d been carrying around forever that I had to deal with (I’m a Cancer sun, so -- Emotion Girl here!), and on that boiling point scale, I was at what I lovingly refer to as a 9.2. I was emotionally, physically, and spiritually spent. My body was shutting down, nearly everything I ate made my belly ache, and I couldn’t leave the house without picking up someone’s damned cold. It was something of a “come to Jesus” moment for me. I remember the day in February,  2012 when I realized this was a trip I wasn’t coming back from if I didn’t do something real. My ship had hit the iceberg, and bailing water was not going to cut it.

Up until then, I’d been pretty normal -- You’re sick, You go see somebody, They fix you. I’d never gotten anything out of the whole “stress management” talk: yoga was nice, but I felt like I wasn’t good enough (!) at it, and there was always so much to do that slowing down & taking care of myself wasn’t really a viable option.


Even the New England Journal of Medicine -- Western medicine’s research Bible -- talks about what a killer stress is these days, publishing nearly 500 articles on the effects of stress in the five years since I fell sick. When my husband and I went to the Mayo Clinic to seek help (we were both “mysteriously” ill), their overarching prescription was to “find ways to de-stress.”

And yet, we suck at it. It’s not just me. We’re all living pressure-cooker lives. How much do you pile into that thing? How high do you turn the heat before you blow your top?

Well, because the gods are kind, and because I got as close to bottom as I ever care to see, I found my de-stressor: energy healing. I don’t have a lot of words to explain how it works, and honestly, all the books I’ve read have been more distracting than revealing. All I know is I’ve discovered that I have a gift for finding and holding the stuff in you that hurts and helping you release it.

I feel like that’s one of the biggest things I do in any session with a client -- just release that damn pressure valve. We’re all so close to boiling, and we just haven’t been taught how to do it ourselves.

This isn’t therapy. It doesn’t even require you to think about it. (In fact, the less you think about it, the better -- a persistent challenge for me!) Think of it as just dialing back that presure setting -- taking a few things out of the pot so there’s room to breathe. 

Contact me to schedule an hour’s session (in-person or via Skype), and give your loved ones the gift of a little saner you this Holiday season.