Healing Invisible Illness

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It’s nobody’s fault.

Unless you’re like the woman I talked with the other day who got hit by a car and hurts everywhere, the illness & pain you’re in is probably nobody’s fault. But ever since The Secret came out and people started talking about how we “manifest” all this stuff into our lives, and offering that blithely horrid quip that “everything happens for a reason” (which makes me want to stab them in the eye), actually getting to the point where you can acknowledge that your illness or pain is nobody’s fault is significant progress. Cheers! It’s not your fault! It's nobody's fault!

But then again, who is Nobody? And what kind of power does Nobody have to change your situation? Not much, really.

I'm being kind of cavalier and playing with words here, but there's an important distinction I want to make. A mentor of mine often says @@"take all of the responsibility and none of the blame."@@ The first time I heard that I was like “…..hunh.” I could see the difference. Kind of.

So work with me for a second. Close your eyes and feel what happens in your body when you say “it’s not my fault that I’m sick.” "It's the virus's fault that I have no energy." "It's the cancer's fault that I feel like crap." If you’re anything like me, that sucks. It drains the energy and power out of your belly. It brings up the twin demons of helplessness and hopelessness. Now try saying: “I don't know how I got here or what’s to blame, but I’m going to do something about it.” Do you feel the way that lights a fire at your heart chakra? That’s power. Your personal power.

When we blame something else, whether it’s a person, a virus, the cancer, whatever, we let our personal power drain out of our bodies and we open the door to helplessness. But when we claim responsibility to change the situation, we light our own inner fire. Responsibility is empowering. Blame debilitates.

@@Take your power back. Keep your own fire lit. It’s the only chance we have at healing this.@@

With love,


P.S. If you’re ready to do something about it but don’t know where to start, download my Missing Piece guide here: www.karimitchellhealing.com/hrr. And if you put the time into it, & work with the videos that will show up in your inbox over the next week, you’ll discover the event to start your inquiry around, the place in your body where the trauma energy is actually stored, and biggest belief you have that’s going to keep you from making progress. The work is yours to do. It’s easier if you get help, but until you take all of the responsibility for changing things, Nobody will.

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